Genie + at Disneyland
Hello All, I hope that you have been doing well, and that you have had a wonderful holiday, with Christmas if you celebrate, or with New Years, or other Holidays. I hope that it was great for you. I wanted to share somethings that I was able to do over the break and hopefully help you understand a little bit more about getting around Disneyland. My wife and I took off for California the day after Christmas and spent the 27th and 29th in Disneyland and California Adventure. I wanted to share in the blog post because honestly I had no idea how this whole Genie + thing was going to work and if it was going to be worth my time. For those of you that don't know, Disney has gotten rid of their fast-pass system and instead has replaced it with what is called Genie +. Now for the explanation. They added Genie as kind of a guide to help customers through the parks to see things that they want to see, and maybe highlight different areas that t...