Things that I have Learned in Life (Recently)!!!!

Well there are a lot of things that have been going on in my life. I don't really know what this blog is going to be but I have been feeling like it would be cool to write things that are going on in my life, and what I have learned from them. I feel like if I do publish this I will not use real names to keep the anonymity of the people that are involved. I feel like I will mostly talk about principles that I have learned and gained a stronger testimony of. Well without much further adieu here I go. Well these are the people that are most influential in my life right now. My Dad is on the far right, my Mom is next to him and then my little sister and myself. This was at a concert for the Piano Guys when they came to Cedar City Utah. We had a lot of fun, my parents had given us the tickets for Christmas. There were somethings that I actually learned from this concert that was pretty cool. The first is that you need to have passio...