Another Day Another $$

Well it's time again. I feel like I'm not quite sure how often I want to post these, I guess when ever I feel like its time that's when I should do it right :) Anyways I have a couple of new pictures and really things that I have learned from them and the experiences in them so here we go. Well this first one is my coworkers. They are pretty awesome in their own individual ways. Delaney is on the right, she just started working after Christmas Break. Her Dad know's John Tripp, my boss, so she was able to work the connection through him. Though we have definitely enjoyed bringing her on board. She is a nutrition major and she is a Freshmen in college right now. She is able to help with Biology and Nutrition questions and she really just helps out with what ever we are working on. Then there is Greg on the left. He has been working here technically as long as I have but he quit for a little bit to go and explore the l...